Date of Birth: September 17, 1929
Place of Birth: Moberly, Missouri
Date of Death: December 20, 2015
Place of Burial: Kentucky Veteran’s Cemetery North, Williamstown, Kentucky
Norman Kenneth Meyer was born September 17, 1929, in Moberly, Missouri and died on December 20, 2015 at the age of 86. He served in the Army 82nd Airborne during the Korean War. He was the longtime owner of Meyer Taxidermy in Miamitown, Ohio. As one of the charter members of the National Taxidermist Association, he served on its board from 1972 until 1983 and was vice president from 1984 to 85. He was the former Chairman and inductee into the National Taxidermists Hall of Fame in 1990 for which he had a deep and sincere passion for. His talents were sought by the Smithsonian Institute where he helped with restoration efforts on animals collected by Teddy Roosevelt, one of which was a prized Red Kangaroo. He was also known for his famous Meyer Fish Mix, used as a filler in fish taxidermy. He taught taxidermy at Princeton High School and Northern Kentucky University. He is buried at the Kentucky Veteran’s Cemetery North in Williamstown, Kentucky.